Wednesday, July 8, 2009


1/7/09 (Wed) – After work, I had to rush home to bath, change and pack my luggage (= =;) I got home at 5.30pm & my dad reached my place at 6.30pm (what the .. ) My dad got shocked when he saw me that I was still in my office attire. Got nag by Masy & my dad 7__7; And finally, I got ready at 7pm (big achievement!!)


That night, we went to Tenji to celebrate my dad’s birthday. My dad never like Japanese food or buffet but this time he insisted we go for buffet because he knows Aunty Jenny loves it.


Double Yummy

This is actually my first time eating Japanese Buffet because most of the buffet are quite expensive and I can't really eat much.
We ordered & took a lot of black cod fish, kangkung and mushroom cooked with butter.

Lupa on flash
The 1st pic was obviously a CANDID

That’s my sister. Although she’s 6 years older but everyone especially strangers say I look older than my sister (= =;) and people who don’t know my age says I look younger than my actual age. So say if I look like 22 so that makes my sister 20 izzit? I don’t think it’s the hair issue because I have seen many women in their 30s with short hair like my sis and they look their age. And sadly, I have more WRINKLES than my sis!!

I drank lotsa coconuts too!!

I still miss those coconuts!

Ok your job is done *slurps*

Toilet pun cam whore 7_7 See my 7 bulan pregnant perut buncit

Sis's place (it's a condo la) Jgn ingat banglo lol
After dinner, Masy & I went to my sister's place to overnight since we have to wake up early for our flight. Masy did not want to sleep, so we all watch some funny chinese ghost movie (= =;) While watching, I cam whore Y__Y

Blur effect is good when you have pimples & eye bags 

We all slept at 3am and some at 4am. As a result, we got up late and lucky my bro (don't know why) managed to wake up at 8.30am (suppose to wake up at 7am) and everyone rushed like shit.

 My new headgear (= =;)

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