Thursday, November 18, 2010

Zoo Negara

Yesterday, my family & I went to the Zoo =DD Family as in my dad, Masy, his gf, me & poring =DD I remember my dad used to bring us to the Zoo when we were younger. Honestly, it still looks the same to me =/ Everything except for the price of the ticket which is RM20.00 per person T_T
I got up around 8.45am .. only when my dad arrived U_U Got nag from my dad for not getting ready & still sleeping U_U I don't blame him thou.

Anyway, I got ready within 30minutes! I guess poring was a lil unwell because he puke twice at the car T_T Lucky, I brought extra clothes for him. We stopped at Leisure Mall first to get some pressie for my sister and I went & meet Chin Chai awhile at the place where she's working +_+

Around 12, we went back to my dad's place to take Masy and his gf. My dad suggested Ampang Yong Taufu. The place was full of people and I'm still figuring why because the place is so hot and I don't really like the food there but my dad does URGHHH. Then, I realised that I freaking left my handbag at my dad's house ARGHHHH and my camera is in my handbag TRIPLE KILL!!

So basically I was at the Zoo without a camera =( Quite menyedihkan. Anyway, it was so hot and my make up was melting so it doesn't really matter =D I really love my dad because he helped me to carry poring for 2 hours without complaining. I can't even carry poring for a minute. He is too heavy for me U_U

It was pretty fun =) and poring was happy. After that, we went to visit my sister and her new born baby =D A new family member *throws candies* Can't wait to watch him grow.

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