Sunday, February 20, 2011

Free Freshlook Illuminate daily disposable color lense

I remember that I signed up for the 3 days Free Trial Lenses of Freshlook Illuminate last year. I thought I asked for the grey ones but they came in purple instead. Anyway, it's free so it's okay lol .. I didn't try them until last week.

I kind like it although there's not much enlargement effect. So for those who prefer natural black eyes should try this. It's very comfy too but I think Geo Nudy is way more comfortable =D Although it's purple in colour but it's pure black when you wear it.

After trying this, I still prefer my Geo Nudy Series as they are long lasting =D I can wear them for months and they cost like RM20++ only (I'm talking about Geo lenses, not Freshlook as I don't know how much they cost) .. I'm not sure whether these Geo lenses are authentic or not but it's RM20++ so what do you expect. I have heard of people going blind because of these lenses but .. better not think of it =/ So if you scared of getting blind, you can try Freshlook =)

Freshlook Illuminate in Purple

Take 2

Take 3

1 comment:

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